Monday, October 12, 2015

Glass Etching Made Easy with a Dremel Tool

 Glass Etching Made Easy with a Dremel Tool

Step 1 – Finding the Right Design to Etch
To start with this process, test using various attachments on the practice glass pieces to see which one is most suitable. Attachments are different cutting tools attached to your Dremel cutter that you use to etch designs on glasses. Different attachments might work better with different glass shapes and different stencil patterns. Try out your attachments with your stencils over practice glass pieces to determine your pattern and the attachments Decorative glass

Step 2 – Preparing the Glass
Begin by washing the glass vase or bottle using only water or with mild soap to remove any existing dust particles. After this, tape your stencil pattern around the vase or inside the vase for the design. Alternately, you can also draw the design carefully on the glass that will be etched. Once you understand the whole process you can also do some abstract art on the vase without any pre-defined design Glass Door

Step 3 – Etching with Dremel
Dremel tool makes this task of glass etching very simple. With the use of this tool one can make various designs and transform simple glassware into one-of-a-kind pieces. If you find that it is difficult to work on the glass vase or bottle while holding it, you can try securing it via some heavy cloth and tying it to a work area. This can give more freedom to the working hand. A very important tip for glass etching is that you should always try to etch on glass holding the Dremel tool at the same angle throughout the task. This ensures uniformity in the design and depth Glass Doors

It is best to practice glass etching and using the Dremel on old glass or inexpensive glass items before committing to more expensive glassware. Expect some trial and error while learning. If you have the steady hands, this skill can be turned for profit. You can even start your own home-based business creating custom-made glassware glass projects

